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Why Choose The Pest Interceptors To Deal With Your Pest Problem?

When it comes to woodworm, the Pest Interceptors will utilize all skills to investigate your unique case and identify how best to treat the woodworms present in your property. 

Despite available DIY woodworm killer antidotes, our thorough attentiveness to each pest means we will see that we are rid of all adults, larvae, and eggs. Typically it is just one treatment for woodworm - In the past, oil-based products were used that needed you to be out of the house for 48 hours or more, but thanks to modern, state of the art chemicals and processes, you can usually be back in your house in the same day, safe in the knowledge that you and your family are safe whilst the woodworm family is being destroyed.

Our passion for up-to-date pest control, products, and procedures, combined with our extensive range of experience and years in practice as industry leaders in pest control means we should be second to none upon encountering a problem. 

What Happens If You Do Not Seek Professional Help For Your Pest Problem? 

Woodworms can enter a property by being transmitted in second-hand furniture or by an adult wood-boring beetle flying inside through an open window or door. Once inside they can begin to lay their eggs on an appropriate wood surface. 

What makes woodworms such a troublesome pest is that they can attack wooden furniture, as well as wooden floorboards, joinery, rafters and joists - all of which can damage the structural integrity of the property, especially with damaged timbers, and make it very unsafe.

What Is a Woodworm Infestation?

There are various types of woodworm, as the term is an umbrella term for the larvae of several species of wood-boring beetles. If you have ever had experience with woodworm, then you will understand just how much of a nuisance they can be and how difficult getting rid of woodworm can be.

Adult beetles lay their eggs in the wood of skirting boards, floorboards, furniture and structural beams, as when they hatch into larvae - they will then burrow; intentionally chewing on the hidden softwood in the grain. The holes are typically tiny and round, approximately 2mm in circumference. Woodworms usually appear as adult beetles leave to mate and begin the life cycle again upon a new piece of timber. 

Accompanying the holes, you may notice small piles of dust - these are the clearest signs of woodworm and an active woodworm infestation. Should you notice the holes are white, this means they are fresh and at an optimum time to be dealt with professionally. As the eggs are so small, they often go unnoticed whilst nestled on the upper layers of wood - due to this our clients often only notice the worms upon discovering structural damage, or the ‘exit holes’ of the adult beetles. 

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